Michigan Celebrated Signing Week

Michigan CelebratedSigning Week

Governor Gretchen Whitmer declared May 6-10 as Going PRO in Michigan Signing Week. Professional Trades careers let you leverage your talents and work ethic to do things that matter. This week we aim to elevate the perception of Professional Trades and showcase the variety of rewarding career opportunities available when you commit to work in a Professional Trade or apprenticeship in Michigan.

Find out what students are Going PRO.
Bring in the employer for a fun and cool ceremony!
Introduce students to new opportunities!


Going PRO in Michigan Signing Week with us!

2019 Signing Week

Eric Padilla, Kellogsville High School and Mark-Maker student

Gary Webb, Saginaw Career Complex auto collision student

Breanna Lewis, Jackson Area Career Center healthcare student

Angel Brazil, Ajax Paving

Emilio Estrada, Saginaw Career Complex culinary student

Anthony Elmo, Wilson Talent Center automotive technology student

Bryan Hash, Saginaw Career Complex welding student

Eric Cronan, Jackson Area Career Center Engineering student

Lori Morgan, Wilson Talent Center precision machining student

Jackson Diffin, Saginaw Career Complex construction student

Kristin Theile, Walsh Toebe Joint Venture

Aaron Browning, Saginaw Career Complex auto collision student

Ben Van Atta, Wilson Talent Center precision machining student

Alize De La Trinidad, Jackson Area Career Center ROTC student

Brock Zehr, Wilson Talent Center precision machining student

Conner King, Saginaw Career Complex welding student

Imoni Dorsey, Saginaw Career Complex culinary student

Jacob Jankowski, Michigan CAT

Leonel Leon, Kellogsville and Mark-Maker student

Michael Malthaner, Wilson Talent Center precision machining student

Jay King, Jackson Area Career Center cosmetology student